About Cigna
Cigna is a multinational healthcare company with more than 17 million global customers. The company, which was formed in 1982, is currently headquartered in Connecticut.
Cigna offers Medicare Advantage plans in 16 states and Washington, D.C., and offers Medicare prescription drug plans in all 50 states.
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What’s New from Cigna Medicare for 2025?
As with all Medicare providers, Cigna launched a number of new initiatives for 2025. The following are some of the most significant updates you’ll notice:
- Many Medicare Advantage Plans from Cigna have $0 premiums, and some participate in the Giveback credit, which puts money back into Social Security checks.
- All Medicare Advantage plans now include vision, dental, and hearing.
- Customer support is now available 7 days a week.
- Prescription Part D coverage that caps out-of-pocket expenses to $2000 for the year.
- Availability of monthly payment plans for prescription medications to create more predictable costs.
- Some plans now provide transportation to and from doctor’s offices and pharmacies.
- Virtual care options for nonemergency urgent care, as well as behavioral health, speech therapy, and dermatology, are available.
- Incentives of up to $200 for completing key health screenings and engaging in activities (this is twice what it was for some HMO plans in 2024).
Cigna Medicare Plans Available
Cigna Medicare is a comprehensive Medicare service provider. It offers Cigna Advantage Plans, Cigna Part D Prescription Drug Coverage, and Medicare Supplement Insurance products.
Choosing the Right Medicare Policy For Your Needs in 2025
If you are using Medicare or signing up for the first time, you have options to choose from to cover your needs. Here’s a look at what you get through Medicare.
Original Medicare
Original Medicare is a federal health program comprising Medicare Parts A and B. Most US residents get Original Medicare when they turn 65.
If you’re already collecting Social Security disability benefits, you’ll be automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A; Part B is optional since you must meet a deductible and pay monthly premiums before Medicare begins covering your medical expenses.
While Original Medicare Care does offer comprehensive coverage, it does not cover a number of medical needs, such as vision and dental care, some prescription drugs, and hospital stays lasting longer than 150 days.
Medicare Part A
Medicare Part A is commonly known as “hospital insurance.” This type of Medicare covers hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care. Medicare Part A may also cover some prescriptions, such as medications prescribed as part of inpatient hospital care or injections and infusions you receive during a visit to a doctor.
Medicare Part A does not cover prescription medication, medical devices, vision care, dental care, hearing exams, hearing aids, or health care outside of the US. Supplementary Medicare plans can be purchased for this type of coverage.
Medicare Part B
Medicare Part B is also known as general medical insurance. It covers regular doctor’s visits, outpatient care, some medical supplies, and some preventive services. Medicare Part B requires enrollees to pay a monthly premium (based on their income) and a deductible before coverage begins; generally, Medicare covers 80% of approved charges.
Medicare Part B does not cover prescription medication, vision care, dental care, hearing exams, hearing aids, or health care outside of the US. Supplementary Medicare plans can be purchased for this type of coverage.
If you are 65 or older and have received Social Security disability benefits for 24 months, you are automatically enrolled in Part A and Part B.
Now that you have a good idea of what Original Medicare offers, let’s look at how Cigna Medicare can help you.
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Cigna Medicare Advantage Plans
Cigna Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Part C, are a type of all-in-one coverage that replaces Original Medicare. You get all of the benefits of Original Medicare with extras, including no-cost programs and services. Some Advantage Plans from Cigna include prescription drug coverage.
Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage Plans offer numerous benefits including:
- All-in-one coverage that blends Part A, Part B, and Part D into one plan with some plans including vision, dental, and hearing as well
- Flexible plan options include HMO and PPO plans, as well as some Special Needs Plans for those who qualify.
- Extra benefits on some plans include no-cost transportation and over-the-counter benefits, Silver&Fit fitness program, and cost-saving perks.
- Part B Giveback is available for some plans from Cigna Medicare
- Low and No-Premium plans are available depending on the type selected.
- Cigna plans for 2025 also include Medicare Savings accounts and PFFS.
Cigna Medicare Advantage Plans are priced based on location and plan selection. Overall, they are highly competitive and meet all of the requirements set by Medicare itself.
Cigna Medicare Part D Plans
If you want to retain Original Medicare, you likely need to add a prescription drug coverage plan to your care. You can purchase Cigna Medicare Part D plans to do so.
This type of Medicare plan covers medication prescribed to you by a doctor, physician, or other approved healthcare providers. It is ideal for individuals who know they will be regularly taking several prescriptions or those who have preexisting conditions that may require additional prescriptions in the future.
Prescription coverage is limited to Cigna’s formulary, which covers 3,000 common prescription drugs. Some of the benefits of the Cigna Part D Medicare plans include:
- Low copays, even some plays with $0 copays.
- Maximum out-of-pocket costs of $2000 during the year.
- Save more with preferred pharmacies, with thousands available nationally.
New for 2025, you can also choose monthly payment plans that do not lower costs but help to make payments more steady throughout the year.
Before choosing a Medicare Prescription Part D plan for 2025, read the update from Cigna on its current plan options and costs.
Cigna Medicare Supplement Plans
If you plan to keep Original Medicare, you may wish to add Medicare Supplement plans or Medigap coverage. It helps to fill in the holes in your coverage to reduce some of the out-of-pocket costs you have.
While Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans offer comprehensive coverage for a number of medical needs and concerns, there are still many things — such as medical expenses that occur out of the United States, hearing exams, vision care, and dental care — that are not covered.
Medicare supplement plans, known as Medigap plans, can provide additional coverage when needed. Cigna Medigap plans could help you save up to 25%, including a premium discount of up to 20% plus another 5% if you apply online.
There are numerous benefits to Cigna Medicare Supplement Plans, including:
- It pays for what Medicare does not, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance
- There are no networks to worry about – you can choose to get care from any provider without the need for a referral.
- You can travel since your coverage includes nationwide coverage, and some plans provide for medical emergencies abroad as well.
- It is also guaranteed to be renewable for life.
The current 2025 Supplement Plans offered by Cigna for Medicare Medigap coverage include:
Plan A
Plan A provides the lowest amount of coverage among Medigap plans. After you have paid your Part A and Part B deductibles, Plan A will cover the remaining hospital and medical expenses, including up to three pints of blood and hospice-care copays.
Plan N
Plan N is a supplementary Medicare plan that covers hospital stays up to 365 days, skilled nursing facility care up to 100 days, and for some medically necessary services that take place outside of the US. Plan N also covers some laboratory services, blood services, and durable medical equipment after the deductible. You will pay for copayments up to $20 for doctor visits or up to $50 for emergency room visits.
This is a good supplementary plan to choose from if you want a lower monthly premium and predictable out-of-pocket costs.
Plan G
Plan G is a supplementary Medicare plan that covers hospital stays up to 365 days, skilled nursing facility care up to 100 days, and for some medically necessary services that take place outside of the US.
Plan G also covers some laboratory services, blood services, and durable medical equipment after the deductible. Plan G also covers Plan B excess charges, which a doctor may charge for services not covered by Medicare. There is a 15% limit on these charges.
This is the Medigap plan that offers the most coverage after you have paid the Part B annual deductible.
Plan F
This type of Medigap plan offers the most coverage and the lowest out-of-pocket costs. Plan F is only available if you first became eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.
Enrollment Options for Cigna Medicare
There are several different enrollment periods for Medicare plans, depending on your age and plan needs.
Initial Enrollment Period
This is when you can sign up for a plan
- Begins 3 months before the month you turn 65
- Ends 3 months after the month you turn 65
Medicare Open Enrollment Period
This is when you can sign up for a plan, switch a plan, or leave a plan
- Begins October 15
- Ends December 7
Special Enrollment Period
Special enrollment periods allow you to enroll outside the regular enrollment periods under specific circumstances.
General Enrollment Period
This is when you can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Part B if you didn’t sign up when first eligible or if you’re not qualified for a Special Enrollment Period.
- Starts January 1
- Ends March 31
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period
This is when you can switch or leave a Medicare Advantage Plan
- Starts January 1
- Ends March 31
You can get the coverage you need by filling out a form now that will show you the available policies for your area and needs. There’s no cost. Speak to a licensed agent for additional support.
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