Can I get Medicare at 64? 

No, you cannot get Medicare at age 64. However, if you are not eligible to qualify by disability, your Medicare benefits will start once you reach 65. 

If you’ve worked for at least ten years and have paid Medicare taxes, you will have no monthly premium on your Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) benefits. If you haven’t worked or have been employed for less than ten years, in some cases, when a spouse turns 62, the other spouse could be qualified for premium-free Medicare Part A even if they haven’t worked. 

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How Can I Get Medicare At Age 64? 

The only ways to be qualified for Medicare before age 65 is to:

  • Have end-stage renal disease
  • Have ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
  • Have a disability and have been receiving Social Security disability benefits for at least 24 months

If you’re retired at age 64 and don’t have a disability, you will have to wait three years for Medicare to kick in. However, Medicare 2020 can help you find an individual or family health care plan you can afford to cover until you are 65. 

If I Retire At Age 64 Can I Get Medicare?

No matter when you retire, the date of when your Medicare kicks in does not change, but you may be covered through your employer’s medical insurance. Once you turn 65, you’ll be automatically enrolled for Medicare if you’re collecting Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits. To be eligible for Medicare, you must be 65, be an American citizen, or be a legal permanent resident of at least five years. If you are not covered, you can purchase coverage from a private insurance company until you turn 65. 

Shopping For a Health Insurance Plan is critical. If you’re under the age of 65 and are not turning 65 in the next six months, contact our licensed insurance agents!

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