2024 Rhode Island Medicare Plans

Medicare provides health insurance coverage for Rhode Island citizens over 65 years old, as well as workers with disabilities. The state government of Rhode Island offers various programs that assist Medicare beneficiaries in the state, even though the federal government funds Medicare itself. 

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Rhode Island Medicare Insurance Trends

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reported the following information on 2024 Medicare trends in Rhode Island:

  • There are roughly 235,858 residents of Rhode Island who are enrolled in Medicare.
  • The average Medicare Advantage monthly premium decreased from $28.34 in 2023 to $29.56 in 2024.
  • In Rhode Island, there are currently 35 Medicare Advantage plans available.
  • All Rhode Island residents with Medicare can buy a Medicare Advantage plan, including those with $0 premiums.
  • There are currently 21 stand-alone Medicare prescription drug plans offered.
  • The lowest monthly premium for a Medicare prescription drug plan is $0.50.

Medicare Offered in Rhode Island

Medicare is a government health care program that offers financial assistance to those 65 or older and people of any age with specific disabilities. In Rhode Island, 83% of Medicare recipients are qualified due to age, while 17% of people with Medicare in Rhode Island are under 65 according to the latest stats. This is because Rhode Island has a higher percentage of disabled residents than the U.S. as a whole

Original Medicare

Original Medicare comprises Part A and Part B, which covers different sets of healthcare services. 

Medicare Part A is mainly for hospital services such as inpatient care. Medicare Part B offers medical insurance covering outpatient care, preventive screenings, durable medical supplies, and other medically necessary treatments.

Beneficiaries pay out-of-pocket costs of Medicare, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. Premiums are generally not required for Medicare Part A, but they are required for Medicare Part B. 

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Medicare Part C, are a comprehensive plan containing Original Medicare and additional benefits such as prescription drug coverage, healthcare services (such as dental, vision, and hearing), and wellness services. The additional coverage will depend on the details of each specific plan. In Rhode Island, Medicare Advantage Plans may be purchased from private carriers such as: 

  • BlueCHiP – 5/5 stars
  • AARP – 4/5 stars
  • Aetna – 4/5 stars
  • Lasso – 2/5 stars
  • CCA Medicare
  • Wellcare 
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island – 5/5


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Medicare Supplement Plans

Those who wish for additional coverage beyond Original Medicare may obtain Medicare supplemental plans from Medicare-approved carriers in Rhode Island. These will require an additional premium. All of the plan categories are standardized under Medigap, meaning all lettered plans have the same benefits regardless of the insurer. Federal rules do not guarantee access to a Medigap plan if you’re under 65 and eligible for Medicare as a result of a disability.

Many insurers offer Medigap plans in Rhode Island. In Rhode Island, Medigap insurers are not required to provide plans to disabled beneficiaries under 65. Only two of Rhode Island’s Medigap insurers offer plans to people under the age of 65.

Some of the companies offering Medigap plans throughout Rhode Island include:

  • AARP – UnitedHealthcare
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  • Colonial Penn
  • Garden State
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Sentinel Security
  • USAA

Rhode Island Medicare Enrollment

Rhode Island residents are eligible for Medicare if they are a U.S. citizen and above 65 years old or are under 65 but are permanently disabled, have end-stage renal disease, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Use Medicare’s online eligibility tool if you are unsure if you qualify. 


  • You are 65 or older, and you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least 40 quarters.
  • You are under age 65 and collect benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board for at least 24 consecutive months.
  • You have ESRD or ALS. 

Enrollment Period Dates

Initial Enrollment Period

This is a seven-month window that allows you to sign up for a plan

  • Begins 3 months before the month you turn 65
  • Ends 3 months after the month you turn 65

Medicare Open Enrollment Period

This is when you can sign up for a plan, switch a plan or leave a plan

  • Begins Starts October 15th
  • Ends December 7th

Special Enrollment Period

Special enrollment periods allow you to enroll outside the regular enrollment periods under specific circumstances. 

General Enrollment Period

This is when you can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Part B if you didn’t sign up when first eligible or if you’re not qualified for a Special Enrollment Period.

  • Starts January 1st
  • Ends March 31st

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period

This is when you can switch or leave a Medicare Advantage Plan

  • Starts October 15th
  • Ends December 7th

Rhode Island Enrollment Tips & Advice

A significant number of residents in Rhode Island may find it difficult to cover all the expenses involved in Medicare insurance. To help these Medicare beneficiaries, The Rhode Island state government offers various Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) that provide several types of financial assistance. These programs also have limits for income and assets.

Additional resources:

How Do I Enroll in a Medicare Plan?

If you have any questions about Rhode Island Medicare, speak to one of our licensed agents today. Our agents will discuss your Medicare options and help find a plan that works for you. 

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