Affordable Health Insurance Plans in Alaska

Alaska has historically had few options for health insurance, making it expensive for residents. However, in recent years the return of Moda has given Alaskans more options.

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How to Buy Health Insurance in Alaska

If you do not qualify for health insurance through an employer, you can purchase it through the exchange, where you’ll have a choice of coverage between Moda Assurance and Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska. Medicaid is available for those who qualify. Other programs to assist low-income adults and families include CAMA, which is the Chronic and Acute Medical Assistance Program – a government program designed to help Alaskans with certain medical conditions to receive care.

Suppose you are rejected for coverage from a private insurer due to a high-risk condition. In that case, the ACHIA may help – the ACHIA is the Alaska Comprehensive Health Association, which helps many Alaskans with chronic conditions.

Short-term health insurance plans are available in Alaska, with some plans that last up to 364 days.

How to Apply for Health Insurance in Alaska

You can go to to apply for health insurance in Alaska.

Health Insurance Carriers In Alaska

Alaska has two health insurance carriers: Moda Assurance and Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska

Alaska Health Insurance Costs Overview

As 2025 data is not yet available, we have used statistics from 2024 to reflect costs so you can have an idea of what to expect.

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost in Alaska?

In 2024, the average benchmark monthly health insurance premium for a 40-year-old was $889. (source)

What is the Cheapest Health Insurance Plan in Alaska?

Depending on your health, the cheapest health insurance plan will be the one that covers what you need the most. Contact us to find the best plan for you! 

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Cheapest Alaska Health Insurance Coverage by Metal Tier

Note that all costs are 2024 pricing from KFF. (source)

Gold Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Gold Plan in Alaska in 2024 was $791. 

Silver Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Silver Plan in Alaska in 2024 was $870.

Bronze Plans

For a Bronze plan, the average lowest premium in 2024 was $533

Other Types of Alaska Health Insurance Coverage

Catastrophic Health Insurance in Alaska

Alaska does not have state-level catastrophic health insurance plans.

Short Term Health Insurance in Alaska

Alaska offers some short-term health plans – shop around to find one that suits your needs.

Low Income Health Insurance in Alaska

Low-income Alaskans can apply for Medicaid or CAMA.

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Marketplace Average Benchmark Premiums, KFF, accessed 08/16/2024,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 

Average Marketplace Premiums by Metal Tier, 2018-2024, KFF, accessed 08/16/2024,,%22sort%22:%22desc%22%7D