Affordable Health Insurance Plans in Louisiana

Enrolling in a health insurance plan in Louisiana is simple. For a list of available coverage and pricing on the federally operated Affordable Care Act-compliant marketplace, go to

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How to Buy Health Insurance in Louisiana

Individuals in Louisiana who do not have health insurance via their job can purchase coverage through the federal marketplace. The metal tiers of health insurance are Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

Premiums and deductibles vary according to the level of insurance you choose. Residents with a low income may be eligible for a subsidy, tax credit, or Medicaid. Bronze-tier plans often feature the lowest premiums and the highest deductibles. The deductibles for Gold plans are lower, but the premiums are more expensive. 

How to Apply for Health Insurance in Louisiana

Visit the federal marketplace at to get health insurance in Louisiana. Enter your information and browse the list according to tier or price. 

Health Insurance Carriers In Louisiana

Louisiana has three insurance companies offering coverage on the federal marketplace: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana, HMO Louisiana, HMO Louisiana, and Vantage Health Plan.

Louisiana Health Insurance Costs Overview

As 2025 data is not yet available, we have used statistics from 2024 to reflect costs so you can have an idea of what to expect. 

The three metal health insurance tiers in Louisiana are Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Gold plans typically include the most comprehensive services but have the highest premiums. Bronze plans have low monthly rates but limited services and high deductibles. 

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost in Louisiana?

According to the KFF, the average benchmark premium in Louisiana for 2024 is $563.

What is the Cheapest Health Insurance Plan in Louisiana?

The cheapest health insurance plan is the one that suits your needs the most. Contact us today to find the plan for you! 

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Cheapest Louisiana Health Insurance Coverage by Metal Tier

As 2025 data is not yet available, we have used statistics from 2024 to reflect costs so you can have an idea of what to expect. 

Note that all costs are 2024 pricing from KFF. (source)

Gold Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Gold Plan in Louisiana in 2024 was $636. 

Silver Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Silver Plan in Louisiana in 2024 was $548.

Bronze Plans

For a Bronze plan, the average lowest premium in 2024 was $446

Other Types of Louisiana Health Insurance Coverage

Other forms of health insurance coverage offered in Louisiana include Catastrophic, Short-Term, and Medicaid.

Catastrophic Health Insurance in Louisiana

Those under 30 or qualifying for a hardship exemption may be eligible for Catastrophic Health Insurance in Louisiana. 

Short Term Health Insurance in Louisiana

You can purchase Short-Term Health Insurance in Louisiana for up to one year and renew coverage for up to 36 months. There are five Louisiana insurers offering Short-Term Insurance: Vantage, United HealthCare, National General, Independence American Insurance Company, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana.

Low Income Health Insurance in Louisiana

Eligible low-income residents in Louisiana can obtain Medicaid at the Louisiana Online Application Center for Medicaid. Louisiana’s Medicaid expansion in previous years has helped over 639,000 low-income residents obtain coverage.

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Marketplace Average Benchmark Premiums, KFF, accessed 08/16/2023,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 

Average Marketplace Premiums by Metal Tier, 2018-2024, KFF, accessed 08/16/2023,,%22sort%22:%22desc%22%7D