Affordable Health Insurance Plans in Illinois

Getting health insurance in Illinois is fairly easy to do. Like other states, the Affordable Care Act Plans are available through the federal marketplace, but enrollees should get guidance through Get Covered Illinois. Help from health insurance counselors is available free of charge.

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How to Buy Health Insurance in Illinois

You can buy health insurance in Illinois through the federal marketplace: You can input your family/financial situation, compare quotes and even figure out if you qualify for financial assistance.

How to Apply for Health Insurance in Illinois

If you don’t know where to start, Get Covered Illinois can help you determine which plan is right for you. It’s extremely user-friendly, and also has counselors who can help you pick the coverage that suits you and/or your family based on your financial situation.

Health Insurance Carriers In Illinois

Eight insurers offer coverage through the Illinois exchange:

Illinois Health Insurance Costs Overview

As 2025 data is not yet available, we have used statistics from 2024 to reflect costs so you can have an idea of what to expect. 

There are four main metal tiers for health insurance in Illinois: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. 

How Much Does Health Insurance Cost in Illinois?

According to the KFF, the average benchmark premium in Illinois was $473 per month in 2024.

What is the Cheapest Health Insurance Plan in Illinois?

Depending on your health, the cheapest health insurance plan will be the one that covers what you need the most. Contact us to find the best plan for you! 

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Cheapest Illinois Health Insurance Coverage by Metal Tier

As 2025 data is not yet available, we have used statistics from 2024 to reflect costs so you can have an idea of what to expect. 

Note that all costs are 2024 pricing from KFF. (source)

Gold Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Gold Plan in Illinois in 2024 was $518. 

Silver Plans

The average lowest cost premium of a Silver Plan in Illinois in 2024 was $461.

Bronze Plans

For a Bronze plan, the average lowest premium in 2024 was $371

Other Types of Illinois Health Insurance Coverage

Catastrophic Health Insurance in Illinois

Catastrophic health insurance plans are available in Illinois but only to those thirty years of age or younger or those who apply for a hardship or affordability exemption. The premiums are low but the deductibles are very high. 

Short Term Health Insurance in Illinois

Short-term health insurance is available in Illinois for up to 6 months with no renewals allowed within a year of the end of the coverage.

Low Income Health Insurance in Illinois

Low-income health insurance is available through Illinois Medicaid. You can apply via Benefits.Gov

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Marketplace Average Benchmark Premiums, KFF, accessed 08/16/2024,,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D 

Average Marketplace Premiums by Metal Tier, 2018-2024, KFF, accessed 08/16/2024,,%22sort%22:%22desc%22%7D